The Entlebuchers of Eagleheart
Sadly Ammo and Zendo passsed to the Rainbow Bridge at the end of 2018. They will forever be in our hearts. Here is a song about Zendo that I wrote after she passed.
Our dear sweet Amazon Pinta de Tierra Alta (“Ammo” for short) came from Tierra Alta. We are very fortunate to be continuing our line through Ammo. Her mother Frijolita (aka Beanie) came from our dear Bliss and is Ammo’s grand-mother and Shaman is her great-grand-mother. She passed all her health tests with flying colors and that she is producing such wonderful healthy friendly puppies! And good looking too!
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Zendo is the first puppy we ever kept. She was from our H litter (our 8th litter born April 8, 2009). Her name is Horizen Zendo v Eagleheart. We knew there was a special puppy in Ammo’s tummy that we were going to keep. As it turned out Ammo had 4 girls and 4 boys so we had 4 girls to choose from! Gina knew which one it was the moment when she was born but it took me several weeks to figure it out. There was always one puppy crawling into my lap; the joke became: “Guess who’s in my lap?” She knew she belonged here and was making herself known in her little 3 week puppy way. Zendo was from our “tractor” litter (we always give the puppies temporary names based on their rick rack color) so her name was Caterpillar for yellow. Everyone that came over was drawn to Caterpillar… even a little girl who picked her up like a rag doll and Caterpillar just let her do it.
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Shaman was our first Entlebucher and the world’s best dog! She came to us as an 8 week old puppy in August of 1995. I will never forget when we finally got her home from the airport and let her out of her kennel. She was so happy to see us! She ran between Gina and me and was the epitome of joy! And from that moment she brought joy to so many people, everyone she met she knew how to react to them. She knew that each person was unique and who needed special attention. After she finished having puppies (which she had some awesome ones), we took the Delta Society Test scored a Complex (the highest rating) and became Pet Therpy Partners. We visited nursing homes, kids at cancer camps, and high risk kids in need. Unfortunately Shaman was diagnosed with PRA but she and her offspring helped to find the genetic test which is now available so NO Entlebucher will ever get the eye disease that causes blindness. Her blindness was gradual so you would never know that she was blind, she could still play and do her pet therapy, in fact she excelled at the R.E.A.D program where we went to libraries and after school programs where children would read to her. Read more…

Bliss was our 2nd Entlebucher. Gina went to Slovakia to get her in 1997. When she arrived Shaman was so happy.. she finally got a baby sister! Bliss lived up to her name, she brought so much happiness and joy to us, Shaman and to everyone around her as she always had this mischievous smile on her face. She loved to play above all else. I remember many times when a small child would play with her.. the child would throw the ball 2 feet and she would enthusiastically retrieve it and bring it back to the child. The giggles from that child were priceless. We had many nicknames for Bliss: Blisty, Blissterella, Spazerella, Blipt, Blipty, Littylou, and so on… One of our favorite memories is Bliss at the ocean, her favorite place… she would smell the salty water when we were 2 miles away and she would start whining.. the only time she really did. Once she got to the beach, she would just take off and run down to the water and then run back to us with the happiest smile on her face and with the expression..”OK.. now throw the damn football into the water so I can swim!” Read more…